Monday, August 20, 2012

Brag Monday: But, do YOU LOVE it?

Before I get to my Brag Monday entry to the Graphics Fairy (see her link in my sidebar), I wanted to share an experience I had recently that prompted some thoughts ... hmmmm ...

I've been helping my son and his fiance with their wedding planning, and it has been a pleasure to help them. But, throughout the process, I've been asking them ... "But, do you LOVE it?" Or, "but, do YOU love it?" I finally started thinking I'm crazy, why do I keep need reassurance as to whether they love it or not.

The answer is ... I think, as an eldest child, and the typical "people pleasing" person that I am, I often compromise on what I LOVE because I'm too worried about others being happy. Please tell me I'm not the only one out here in blogland that feels that way. Here I am, [she clears her throat nearly 50, and I still find myself thinking about what would make everyone else happy, and not myself.

So, for my challenge today ... I want you to think of something ... anything really, either in your house, clothing that you wear, or I don't even care what ... but something that you have compromised on. You may not even be consciously aware that you've compromised or that your thinking is squeued to thinking about what everyone else loves before thinking about what you love.

So, go around your house, your closet, you, whatever, and ask yourself "but do I LOVE it?" If not, chuck it. I mean it ... get it out of your life. Life is too short to compromise on things just to please others. Because, this is the funny part ... generally speaking I think we compromise on things that are usually (and I know I'm assuming here, but I have this gut feeling that I'm right) not as important to the other person as we think it is. At the very least, open up some dialogue and see if it means as much to the other person as you think it does. You might be surprised!!

Now, for my brag entry to the Graphics Fairy, I have entered a Beautiful vintage style Butterfly pendant: If you click on it, you can see multiple images of it in my store:

Have a wonderful week mes amies!!

Bisou Bisou

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