AND ... yesterday was my birthday, and I will admit that I turned 49 ... my last year of my 40's. So I plan to enjoy this year as much as possible before I roll into my 50's. And, while aging might be a problem for some women, it truly doesn't bother me at all ... at least not yet. Now while that's being said ... I still color my hair, so I guess the correct response would be that aging without gray hair doesn't bother me! The most wonderful part of my birthday was realizing that ALL of my children were here to celebrate it with me. That hasn't happened in years, and it truly was the best present I could have asked for (besides the homemade lemon cake that my husband made me!).
So ... here are my juicy updates that I have waited with bated breath to share with you!! Many of you (my lovely and much loved facebook followers) have asked for tutorials on how to use some of the graphics that I create. Well ... they're coming, they're coming, they're coming!!! I'm so excited. I have been working on the evolution of my blog for several months, and spent hours upon hours working on what I wanted to share with you. All of the effort is finally paying off. So, I'm going to give you a little teaser ... you will definitely want to check in the beginning of April (and this is no joke, mes amies) as it will be the beginning of all of my plans coming together. I can't wait to share them with you.
So ... here are some teasers:
* Coco Chanel
* Life's Lessons for Women
* A Craft for Beginners (or those who think that they can't make anything ...)
* A Craft for Crafters (something to tempt even those who think they've done everything)
* Give Aways
* Contests
* Reviews about things that we all want, know, or love!
* A continuation of Freebie Fridays, but most of all ...
* Motivation that you ARE beautiful. You ARE special. You HAVE value. You ARE WORTH IT!!!
I hope you know that I care for each of you who reads my blog. I want you to feel what has taken me so many years to discover for myself: life is too short to spend any more time feeling doubts about your own unique beauty or self-worth. So, if you'll stick with me ... we're going to make sure that you do!
In the meantime, I created a graphic for my Brag Monday. For those who are new, I create something each Monday using one of the Graphic Fairy's beautiful vintage images. You'll find her link to left. I wanted (SO BADLY) to jump the gun and share next week's graphic, but I restrained myself and focused on Easter so I wouldn't fudge and ruin my surprises.
I hope you enjoy this graphic. Please feel free to use it in a non-commercial way. You are more than welcome to click on the picture and then right-click to save to your computer. You might use it as a desktop wallpaper, print it out to frame and decorate for Easter, or even create cards or crafts with it. I only ask that you not mass produce it. You may, however, send anyone my way to get their own copy.
And while we're talking about sharing ... if you haven't signed up for my facebook page, please do so. That is where you'll find past Freebie Fridays, some that weren't shared here, although you can always click on the Freebie Friday button to the right for the ones that were posted here. I try to switch things up between my followers. So, to make sure that you don't miss anything, you'll want to follow me in both places. I promise, some are truly treasures (at least that's what I think, as well as many of my followers). Last Friday's ... well ... does the name Audrey Hepburn mean anything to you? I don't think I need to say more! LOL!
Mes Amies ... have a very lovely week. I hope it is filled with beautiful thoughts and wonderful happenings for you and your life.
Warm Regards,

Im also linked to: Mosaic Monday